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                                           ESTATE MARKET OF TURKEY?

       L Â L A P P R A I S A L

        N E W S L E T T E R

       Each year, 5 million of          estate is the most preferred means   decreased in the 3  quarter   2013. The highest number of the
                                        of investment in Turkey, the    together with the start of increase   sales transactions of the
       131 million real estate
                                        number of the investors remained   of the interest rates in parallel with   independent sections occurred in
       change hands in Turkey.          limited as the savings and the   the developments in the global   December, and the lowest number
                                        accumulation of capital were    economy.                        of the sales transactions of the
       The number of the independent    insufficient until recently. Taking     The number of persons using house   independent sections occurred in
       sections which have been sold in   into consideration the direct   credits that reached to the peak by   October. The lowness of the figures
       2013 in Turkey was announced as   connection of the real estate with   198,034 persons in the second   in these months can be explained
       1,377,983. Based on these data, we   the construction sector in the                              with the low number of working
       can say that the proportion of the   position of the locomotive of the   quarter of 2013 decreased to   days in these months due to the
       independent sections of the real   economy of the country, significant   130,353 in the 3  quarter of 2013   festivity holidays.
       estate changing hands each year in   studies have been made by the   together with the increase in the
       Turkey is approximately 1/4 and   Public to remove the barriers before   interests, and the amount of the   The surveys reveal that the most
                                        the real estate investor. In this   credits reduced down to TL 11,196   important factor in the purchase of
       that the remaining real estate is
                                        direction, the way of the real estate   million. Despite that decrease, all   a house in the Metropolitans is the
       lands and fields.
                                        investments has been paved by the   data show that 2013 was an   “ease of transportation”. The
                                        legal regulations for the financial   extremely brilliant year for real   factors like the social environment
       Credit Contribution to the
                                        processes and most importantly by   estate. So much so that, while the   and the district where the house is,
       Real Estate Market
                                        the mortgage system that was    amount of the housing credit in the   the price, resilience to earthquakes,
       As it is in the worldwide, there is                              3  quarter of 2012 was TL 6,521   green areas, parking lots, etc. came
                                        started to be practiced. Today, the
       parallelism between the interest                                 million, this amount reached to TL   to the fore as the other important
                                        proportion of the sales of the
       rates of the house credits and the                               11,196 million and is doubled in the   issues. In Istanbul, the second most
                                        houses with the use of credits is
       demand for the credits in Turkey.                                same period of 2013. Further, in   important factor after the ease of
                                        around 40 % of the total number of
       The surveys made show that it is                                 accordance with the surveys made,   transportation is the resilience to
                                        the houses sold throughout the
       easier to acquire a house in Turkey                              the volume of the house credits   earthquakes.
       compared to the period 5 years ago,                              which was TL 80 billion in 2012,

       taking into account the factors like                             became TL 110 billion showing an   Directly proportional to the
                                        The Volume of the House
       the prices of the houses, the costs                              increase of 30 % in 2013.       population, Istanbul, Ankara and
       of using credits, the increase of   Credits Increased by 250 % in                                Izmir are the provinces where the
       income, etc. in the last 5 years.   4 Years                      The amount of the house credits in   sales are the highest. In Ankara,
                                        At the beginning of 2012, decrease   Turkey increased by 26.30 per cent   Kecioren, Cankaya and Etimesgut
       Real estate investments are the   in the house credits moved the   in one year and by 250 per cent in 4   became the counties where the
       most preferred means of          market and the demand to        years. In accordance with the data   sales were the highest, respectively.
       investment due to the advantages   purchase a house with house   of the Turkish Statistics Agency   Kecioren, which is the county
       such as the value of them always   credits increased. In spite of the fact   (TSA), the number of the sales of   having the largest population in
       increases, they are not impacted by   that the prices of the houses   houses which was around 705,000   Ankara came to the fore as the
       the inflation and they provide   increased by 14.75 per cent in 2013   on the average in 2011 and 2012   county where the sales were the
       income from leasing. It is possible   throughout Turkey, the fact that the   increased by 63 % in 2013 and   highest in Ankara in 2013 with its
       to earn more than the other means   house credit interest rates were at   became 1,144,989. 40 % of those   housing oriented structure
       of investment, the stock exchange,   the lowest level in the history,   sales are with liens.    addressing the middle class and the
       the foreign currencies and the   especially in the first half of the year                        affordable prices thereof. In spite of
       interest when a good choice is   increased the demand for the    Kecioren in Ankara and          the fact that it is far from the center
       made and invested depending on   credits. The interests of the credits   Esenyurt in Istanbul    of the city, Etimesgut, which
       the type and the features of the real   that were in the trend of decrease   In accordance with the data of the   became the new favorite of the real
       estate and the region where the   until the end of June increased the   General Directorate of Land   estate investors of the Capital City
       real estate is.                  growth rate of the credit volume.   Registry and Cadastre, sales   with the land potential it has,
                                        The growth of the credits slowed   transactions of 1,377,983    became the other county where the
       In spite of the fact that the real   and the use of the house credits   independent sections were made in   sales were high in 2013.

                                                                                                  T e l l â l ,  MIPIM 2014 SPECIAL ISSUE
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